Place it somewhere most are too big to place by hand - you will need bots or Far Reach (or equivalent).Research "NPP" after "Nuclear Power" to unlock recipes.you just like the design of a particular size.you build a mall/hub that assembles larger configurations from smaller ones, like modules.you have specific power requirements for an outpost.you're still small, so you start with a 2x1 or a 2x2 and use the upgrade recipe to scale up.Small NxM power plants are included for completeness and to give you options in the early and late game, such as: 2x2 - 480 MW - tile dimensions 48x50 - "" 50 seconds.1x1 - 80 MW - tile dimensions 17x17 - consumes 1 uranium fuel cell in 200 seconds at full load.They are functional vanilla designs and use optimal neighbor bonus ratios: Recipes to upgrade and downgrade NxM configurations enable you to automate assembling larger sizes and to disassemble them.Compact designs that fit into City Blocks, etc.You can replace massive solar fields with a dramatically smaller number of these, and then devise a way to deliver uranium fuel cells to them. This bypasses all fluid and heat calculations however, it still requires the same ingredients and space to build one and the fuel to power it.
This mod provides a set of power plants, as a single game entity. Want to use nuclear without concern for UPS?