Recordia lc
Recordia lc

Neotropical Dry Forests are important biodiversity hotspots characterized by intermediate to high levels of species richness and endemism. show idiosyncratic population histories, reminiscent of the complex biogeography of the Cerrado. The current climate and dispersal and local adaptation processes probably contribute to maintaining the east–west genetic structure in A. coriacea, the north of central Cerrado (around Serra Geral de Goi as) is suggested as a putative Pleistocene refugium. GLMMs detected a weak association of genetic distance with current climatic factors, represented mainly by precipitation in the warmest months. Haplotype diversification first occurred in the Pliocene the split between eastern and western groups was dated to the Early Pleistocene. coriacea possessed nine haplotypes constituting two groups: western and eastern. Annona crassiflora possessed only one haplotype, whereas A. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to relate genetic divergence with spatial, climatic and phytogeographic data. We sequenced non-coding plastid DNA regions and estimated divergence times using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method implemented in BEAST. in the Cerrado and identify the factors responsible for their genetic structure. Ours aims were to investigate phylogeographical patterns in two co-distributed Annona spp. Phylogeographical patterns for Cerrado tree species are relatively congruent however, the causes of these patterns are not clear.

  • Dimensions of the lamp approx.The Brazilian Cerrado is the most diverse savanna in the world.
  • Cleaning-friendly splash protection on the underside of the luminaire.
  • Individual high-gloss reflectors per LED pad, parabolic design without scattering losses.
  • 3 LED cluster with high performance LED from the market leader CREE.
  • recordia lc

    Optional mounting options with cable suspension or aquarium attachment*.External power supply for safe 24 volt operation of the light above the aquarium.Illuminated LC graphics display in attractive black / white display.Built-in light control with numerous functions and presets.Passive cooling of the LED without fan and with electronic temperature management.Corrosion resistant powder coating in irridium metallic or high gloss white.High quality aluminum case with integrated cooling structure.Therefore, the Giesemann VIVA Marine provides optimal lighting conditions for keeping and growing almost all corals and invertebrates in aquariums up to a depth of about 55 cm. The Giesemann VIVA marine has been specially developed for seawater aquariums and is equipped with high-power LEDs, which have a strong accentuation of the blue range with simultaneous simulation of the entire light spectrum. High-quality components and craftsmanship from Germany guarantee longevity and perfect light output. The attractive and sleek design fits to any interior style and puts your aquarium visually in the foreground. With a unique concept and economical construction, the VIVA is specifically designed for all beginners in aquaristic systems with medium lighting requirements, but who do not want to do without comfort, longevity and individual control options for your lighting.

    recordia lc

    So the refraction of the light on the water surface with the natural-looking light mirror on the ground floor. The wide beam angle of 100 ° is combined with the brightness of the high-quality LED components and thus creates the popular sun-crown effect even at higher water depths.

    recordia lc


    The new Giesemann VIVA offers an ideal entry into the powerful LED technology for your aquarium - from the sunlight full spectrum to white / blue and actinic light for seawater aquariums - the new light series from GIESEMANN is a real all-rounder.

    recordia lc

    Note: All Giesemann lighting products are made to order and aretherefore not refundable (no returns accepted)

    Recordia lc