He is full of guilt about Alice, but convinces himself that she died, and there was nothing he could do, because he saw the Infected bites her.

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Infect only one person to activate the Rage Virus' domino powers and kill everyone else including his children (failed, after becoming one of the Infected). He was portrayed by Robert Carlyle, who is famous for playing villains, including the Castlevania Lords of Shadow version of Dracula, Renard in The World is Not Enough, the Wendigo in Ravenous, Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon A Time, and Francis Begbie in Trainspotting.
#28 weeks later don infected movie
I'm sorry, but the previous movie has already shown that taking on an infected unarmed is pure suicide, and the only hope of survival if you're unarmed is to run away or barricade yourself in a safe place. Origin In the 28 weeks that follow, all the Infected die, and Donald is rebuilding the country with the Army. He glares at Alice in Rage before rushing at her and beating her to death. Notice the lack of an Alice, Donald seconds before he becomes Infected, Donald foolishly kisses Alice, his last seconds as a sane human. But Donald breaks in, and he Infects one man, who goes onto Infect others. TreacheryUxoricideMurderAttempted filicide By: Bugsbunny2. It's made all the worse by the fact that Alice really did seem to have forgiven Don for leaving her, and then he gets infected and gouges her eyes out.

He spies on Andy as the survivors escape, but doesn't attack. Don and Alice sent their children on a school trip to Spain, and shortly after, while they were away, the Rage Virus broke out in Britain, leaving the family separated when the country was quarantined. Animo has won the war and taken over the world. Quickly, the other woman becomes infected and Don kills her as well.